The Miss Ginger

The Miss Ginger is an interesting one. I saw on one of her posts that she is “selling her boyfriends socks”?!?? like, why? That’s shady imho. I couldn’t imagine unless she’s catering to gay foot fetishists? Well I wasn’t going to include her because of that, but scrolling further down, it seems that was maybe one post? But as content creators, you just have to be aware of your audience and what they like vs being completely grossed out.? And if someone is selling “smellables”, that’s like a worst case scenario for a buyer, saying you wore something when in fact your bf wore them instead of you.. I’m not saying she does that, but why even put that in a surfers head? I mean it’s in my head now. Her good qualities do outweigh that at the end of the day though, so check her out if you’re ok with all of that.

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