Foot Adoration FAQ’s for Surfers
Because some people out there just kinda have no clue about the hell my erotic directories and links pages are, this FAQ should answer most of your questions. There is information for both surfers of my network as well as the content creators that make everything happen.
What is Foot Adoration?
Foot Adoration is a live art installation, my flagship foot fetish links directory, with pretty hand picked content creators, but with my own twist on the whole thing. Those are the content creators I post here. Think of this foot fetish directory like all of my other concepts, I am visually forward and the way these creators are indexed, it’s a living art gallery to this fetish. At the end of the day, that’s really all that matters to me.
Why so many Foot Fetish Directories?
Why not have them all in the same place and same site, you mean? Our niche (foot fetishism) is enjoying a hell of a time right now, with mainstream commercials now even acknowledging the modern foot fetish. It’s good to know we exist, right? lolol. So that being said, there’s a shitload of women out there who are putting their feet up online and it’s just a great fucking time to be a footie right now. With a shitload of creators out there and with the framework of this directory, different sub niches mean different domains. Anything over say 1000 creators indexed and surfing this thing just becomes slow. Different sub niches mean different domains, Different domains means that I will never run out of room so to speak for all of these creators with gorgeous feet..
Why the same design on the Directories?
This framework is so fucking custom, and it’s mine, I partially coded it and this GUI brings the vision I have in my head of these women directly to what I want you to see. Does that make any sense? It’s lightweight, fast as fuck and it’s just beautiful. It also makes me kinda unique since you can see my work and know that it’s me behind it usually.
Why the music and the “radio”?
Music is powerful, it conveys a mood. And I’m usually jamming out when I’m indexing so why not share some of my playlist for you. When I was younger, I always wondered what other fetishists were listening to. So yah. For the mood of the musical tastes, I’m an ex goth kid, I like it hot and dark, usually? No if I’m playing lucifer, that doesn’t mean I’m a devil worshipper or whatever, lol. If anything, I’m running to the light if something weird or paranormal happens, I just like the band and they happen to have that name.
Why are your creators “handpicked”?
Because every creator around the world thinks she has beautiful feet and I’m a “woman worshipper”, it’s hard to say no, and I’m definitely not going to ruin someone’s day by saying their content or feet aren’t up to par. It’s just easier, posting creators that I like, you like and have sometimes, already formed connections with. But at the end of the day, someone’s gonna be offended, but that’s the short story.
Why can’t I download anything?
Because it’s not my content, my job is to point you in a direction.. Also, please support these women if you can, it’s important.
How do I search for a particular content creator or niche?
I have my primary categories and my tags. Please note that I have like 80 tags, I can only post 50 though on the sidebar. If a creator is a “shy foot model” but she is a coed, that will be tagged. So your looking in the “coed feet” index and can’t find what you want, please check the tags, clicking a tag will be a new search with creators that you might not have seen, that are coeds.
Sometimes the foot fetish directory loads slow
I currently don’t have a CDN because I can’t afford it right now, really, so please feel free to donate to this directory as well. Also the creator pages have a shitload of promotional media on them, so give it a minute.
Why have you dedicated your life to these directories?
Passion, drive, that snake wrapped around my spine and i’m kind. I’m in my mid 50s, i forwent it all. I don’t regret it. I’ve touched the lives of so so many people, influenced the lives of so many others. People i’ll never meet, strangers, whether in another state or another country. I serve the Goddess though, ya know. I make beautiful pages of the creators, whether it’s on the alt Goddess directory or Cosplay. If I don’t have passion for it, I don’t make it.
Can I help in any way?
This network survives by the kindness of our community. It takes a good amount of money a month to run this network and keep it fast. I appreciate food too, so please donate to this network if you can. It certainly helps.
We give!
We’ve changed our donation portal to the Dumb Friends League. No one has the right to bully or harm animals. They are defenseless and all animals are children of God. I give 7% of everything I earn to this organization, every holiday season.