Fetishistic Love

I have a friend. I have known her since 2003 or so. I have grown to love her. As a man, as a fetishist. She is bi and is in a relationship with another woman. Which I am actually happy to hear, good for her you know?  When I first met her, she would bluntly say “no”, to my foot fetish advances and truth be known, I have had over a dozen crushes on her, in the time that we have been friends. She is beautiful to me, with a long forgotten classic look about her, trim, petite and naturally busty body.

Her feet aren’t the most beautiful things in the world, I would say that if I was scoring them, like I would a test, she would get a c. ?But the thing that binds me to her is the fact that her feet are always hot. Temperature wise, of course, ha. You can wrap her feet in a blanket and they will be hot again, exuding her sweet sweat in about 7 minutes time. I know, I have timed it. I look deep into her eyes, as I happily suck the warm sweat off of her feet. Luxuriating in the essence of her feet and all of the different essences that come with a girl with very warm feet. I love her. I lover her because she “gets it”. She doesn’t judge me, she just comes over sometimes after work and firmly plants her sweaty feet on my face. And I go to my happy place each and every time.

As of late, however, her girlfriend has grown a bit jealous of this and made her cut her toenails. (I like to have her grow hers out a little bit.) She cancels appointments now, that we have made and I just feel an emptiness wash over me, every time that I think about her. I don’t know, these emotions have hit me a bit surprisingly, I must admit. I firmly believer that fetishists such as ourselves, have two modes of love, there is vanilla love and there is fetishistic love…

Vanilla love is, well, you love someone on a certain amount of levels.

Fetishistic love includes those levels, as well as deeper and darker levels of passion that the average person just does not delve into. By that way of thinking, it is a much deeper pain or emptiness that the object of your affections is gone. How do we, as fetishists traverse through this then, when it happens?

I firmly believe that finding new modes of venting or worship with new people will slowly heal this pain. The scents not the same, the texture, taste and eye contact, in most cases is not the same. But it is interaction. And understood interaction, even if she doesn’t fully “get it”. It is a stepping stone to healing. That, coupled with getting inside yourself and working things out emotionally…

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