Flexi Legs

And now I introduce to you, Flexi Legs. There are not near as many Foot Fetish Sites as there used to be, which is a little bit sad in my opinion. I don’t know if this is due to the fact that people are not supporting the Foot Fetish Community anymore or…? I have attempted to gather as many good quality foot fetish sites that I can find on the internet, but… yeah. This is still a rather “skinny” index, and by now you all know that I am very good at indexing as many quality sites as possible. So please support these people. Free shit is cool and fine, but seriously, it would be really nice if we could have a future here online for our community… Just saying. Flexy Legs is a Foot Fetish site that, you guessed it, deals with hot chicks in flexible positions.? If you dig it, the content is pretty fab inside!

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