America, what the fuck happened?

America, what the fuck happened?  The election was only a couple of months ago and now my country is going bonkers..  I have questions, why is Elon making freaking billons on this “doge” bullshit?  No creators contributing, no surfers contributing, I’m so sick of it.  I can’t even afford to eat sometimes.  Why should I continue this?

This is what i’ve been thinking about this month.  I hate the new administration, all of this reminds me of that movie, “civil war”.  I don’t want to live through that.  We are failing as a country and it makes me heart sick, so broke and depressed, haha.  Our country has a sickness about it.  Everyone’s broke, depressed and vengeful.  How did our values just collapse right the fuck up.  I do ride share more often than not these days and I see it every single day, young, old, rich and poor, I see it all.

When I was a kid, i used to look up at the sky and had that patriotic feeling, growing up.  Sometimes i’d see war movies and cry, a very astute and postured vision of what it was like to be American.  I have no grudges or anything else with anyone, no matter the race.  Everyone has the chance to be beautiful.  I feel sorry for the Indians and what we did to them.  America has changed so much though.  Now in my fifties, and it’s just..?  I tell kids about high school in my rides sometimes, I was in high school for the majority of the 80’s.  We didn’t have school shootings or crazy crime or any of that.  Sad thing is that the majority don’t believe me.  No one can name a forefather and directly quote him or her.  And we’re turning our backs on Europe, I don’t think, I don’t have an idea, why?  Why the fuck even have the statue of liberty up?  It symbolizes nothing anymore.  Why believe that anything good is coming my way?  I think we’re knee deep in a heist of the whole government and it is also horrible.  How did we stop caring for each other?  We are so divided as a people now.  Why the fuck is idiot blaming Ukraine on stuff?  They didn’t have over 100k troops massing on the border, years ago.  Fuck putin!  Then we tell peeps it ill be ok, whats a little bit of land, right?

Wrong!  It’s our responsibility that we defend that country.  Is it the asteroid that’s gonna hit in less than 7 years?  Because we’re on a dying planet?  What the fuck to use climate reliability / sustainability and erase it?  You motherfucking IDIOTS!  We are a trash species, we deserve nothing and heaven forbid we colonize another planet and destroy it like we have, our own.

Russia, how many soldiers have been killed, fighting over stupidity.  Your country was already in a population crisis and now, 1/2 million more soldiers have been killed, for fucking what?!?!  How will it make your country better?  So much grief, pain and suffering, for what?  He doesn’t care about you.  When you all had the chance to overthrow him, you didn’t.  How embarrassing for you guys, your military stuff sucks, your air force sucks.  On and on and…  You’d try and nuke the u.s. and probably hit fucking Canada, lol.

I don’t hate the Chinese, that culture is so many millennia old.  I’m actually addicted to Chinese women’s foot sweat.  Other webmasters would be blocking your countries, you peeps don’t buy or contribute anything.  You know why?  So you can eat.  No one really gives anymore.  It’s not doing anything for me, posting up creators and stuff.  I just feel so sad, i’ve nurtured and loved my concepts and for what?

Why the war on women?!?  When dumb fuck took over, he did an order to remove all props to women in the government.  Fucking why?!?  Are they not worthy of admiration and idealization, on purpose or not.  Like “what the fuck is wrong with this world”?  Also racism, aren’t we fucking over this by now?  My boy Ezekiel over at Gay Cock Worship, thinks that as caucasian men, we need to nurse on black dick just a little more, for so many reasons.  I don’t know how to wrap my head around that, but that’s a whole other article.  Personally, I think we’ve put black folks through the ringer for hundreds of years and for what?  Since the revolutionary war, they’ve helped us, so wtf?

..ongoing writing, stay tuned

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